Energy without a footprint

iON-ENERGY has succeeded in converting energy in The Earths atmosphere into electricity. Atmospheric energy is an endless source of energy, available 24/7 and independent from location, weather and temperature.

The logic next step

Harvesting the energy in The Earths atmosphere is now possible in a very elegant and scalable way. Finally we can make a huge impact in the energy transition with the Energy box, which will provide energy to your home.

Electricity for everone, everywhere, anytime

iON-ENERGY has created a fully patented device capable of harvesting The Earths energy 24/7. The prototype is now being developed into a commercial product, the Energy box, a device that will deliver electricity to your home.


iON-ENERGY has participated in clean tech event TBB 2024 Barcelona.

iON-ENERGY has been granted the European patent no. 3634091, USA patent US 2021/0399652 A1,the Japanese patent no. nr.2021-543555 and Korean patent, appl. number 10-2021-7012285 and Chinese and hong Kong patent. Product development is aimed at one of many possible applications, namely The Energy Box, or E-Box, providing cheap electricity for home use.

This will make a tremendous impact on the energy transition roadmap, as each household will now be able to produce electricity for home use 24/7, for a purchase price lesser or equal to solar panels, but a far better LCOE (< 0.02 EUR /Kwh).